The very first Move Forward project was back in 2014. After a small crowdfunding campaign a team of 6 volunteers went to Haiti to start a community project in Kenscoff. This became a successful basketball and dance program for 83 teenagers who just had to deal with an earthquake, hurricane and cholera outbreak. The last 10 years we have created many community projects in The Netherlands, Suriname, Kenya and Mexico.



This is our newest project supporting young girls and women traumatized by physical and/or sexual violence. We have chosen to start in Mexico and The Netherlands. If you want to know more about the Hidden Girls project, please visit

The Netherlands

AZC workshop tour

Since 2015 we are giving dance and sports workshops in Dutch asylum seekers centers.  Move Forward coaches will provide each tour between 150-200 dance, basketball, boxing and street gym workshops in 34 different asylum seekers centers and emergency shelters in the Netherlands. We will start a new tour in the summer holiday of 2023.



This project started in January 2022. First we had done our pilot in project in 6 shelters and stayed in 4 shelters in Mexico City. Our purpose is to help girls and young women in Mexico City to soften their traumas by using dance, basketball, fitness and boxing. Over 90% of these girls in the shelters are sexually abused. They do receive weekly training from our Mexican coaches supported by Mexican trauma specialists.



In 2017 and 2018 we done successful community projects in Suriname and decided in the summer of 2023 to do our comeback. This was well received by many familiar faces. That made us decide to start the fundraising for a larger community project in 2024.

The Netherlands


In March 2023 we were approached by Nike to create a weekly program for the Ukrainian refugees in the shelter next to their European Headquarters in Hilversum. We are currently running two classes on a weekly basis: Mother and Child workout classes and Hiphop dance for the teenagers.